Finding Ways to Learn English


Losing My Fear

Losing My Fear

Rocio talks about her experience of losing her fear of speaking English in her professional context. "I achieved my objectives.        My main objective was really to lose my fear because this fear      impeded me from improving my English.     It blocked me.     I...

Improvising in English

Improvising in English

Quotes from my Notes about Improvising in English I wonder if         after all our conversations and observations        in and about this language      if it would be enough for you to hear     just a few quotes from my notesfrom you      who keep learning to...

Necesito ver resultados

Necesito ver resultados

Hablé con Nuria por teléfono recientemente. La conversación fue así: "¡Necesito ver resultados, alguna prueba de que estoy mejorando mi inglés!" dijo, pronunciando la palabra "resultados" con intensidad, casi a punto de llorar....

Something new to sink our teeth into

Something new to sink our teeth into

Here we are, searching for something new to sink our teeth into. Can you imagine biting into a phrase, and then eating it? This is how I see internalizing this language as you continue learning. It's about finding ideas that you really want to express in English and...

Finding Your Words in English

Finding Your Words in English

It was Saturday morning and I was writing. I'm usually writing in the morning. Especially on Saturdays. When I'm inspired, I write poetry. Writing poetry is about finding my words in English. It's about hunting for words and phrases. Thinking about this, I flashed on...

2020! A new year and new ways to speak and think in English

2020! A new year and new ways to speak and think in English

It´s 2020! and as Sandra said, ¨A new year and a new level in English! And I responded. ¨Exactly. A new way to speak and think in English. ¨My desire for 2020 is to continue finding ways, your ways, that spark a change in how you learn, communicate and think in...

What happens when you enjoy learning English?

What happens when you enjoy learning English?

Joaquín has taught me so much and shared so many stories with me. He is a saxaphonist in Desperdicis Clínics so music is the topic that we explore in our conversations. And it is through music that he has found what happens when you enjoy learning English.

Aprender más inglés

Aprender más inglés

Es un nuevo trimestre y hay un gran interés en la gente que contacta conmigo – un deseo renovado de aprender más inglés. Mi trabajo se trata de eso; te ayudo a hablar y entender mejor en inglés en tus entornos profesionales y personales.

Finding Your Words in English

Finding Your Words in English

Do you have enough words in English?
For you, What IS “enough’’ words in English?
Can you use most of these words when you are speaking with an English speaker? Can you find them when you really need them?
How do you remember new words in English?
When will you start using these new words in new conversations?

Understanding English Speakers

Understanding English Speakers

Talking about understanding English Speakers I´ve been talking about understanding English speakers recently. Sometimes the same questions and topics come up in different sessions during the week. This week,  Xisco and Lluis spoke about their experiences with...

What happens when you enjoy learning English?

What happens when you enjoy learning English?

Joaquín told me this story   just before summer started. He was at Sonar, backstage because of his work, and the time was right. Ryuichi Sakamoto was standing there, so he walked up and said hello, spoke about music and then asked for a photo with him. Ryuichi...

Let´s talk about PLENTY in English?

Let´s talk about PLENTY in English?

The meaning of PLENTY in English is:       to have a little MORE THAN ENOUGH of something.

And the concept is about quantity    and having more than enough of a quantity.
Please, distinguish it completely from the concept of FULLNESS.

What about this lack of confidence in English?

What about this lack of confidence in English?

Why is it so hard to find confidence in English?
I made this post   thinking of another observation from Xisco.
«The thing about English   is a lack of confidence.»
I hear this all the time   phrased in different ways.
Mostly, people say that they    LACK words, fluency and  confidence in English.

If You Want to Speak English More Fluently

If You Want to Speak English More Fluently

If you want to speak English fluently, here are some easy and essential ideas that can help: use the English that you have now and find your pace (speed) that makes it easier to find and use your words and structures in English.

¿Que pasa cuando realmente aprendes inglés?

¿Que pasa cuando realmente aprendes inglés?

¿Por dónde empezar? ¡Hay tantas cosas que pasan cuando aprendes el inglés! Dejemos que hable Jordina. Como directora creativa en una agencia publicitaria, evitaba cualquier situación en inglés, hasta que ya no lo podía evitar más. Su trabajo actual exige que hable...